Trained in Commerce and Law, Mr Bryce began his career as a commercial attorney in Australia before switching over to VC.
Mr Bryce moved to Israel during the dot.com boom to work as analyst for multi-corporate VC fund, Eurofund, spearheading investments culminating in successful exits including:
Passave, acquired for $300M by PMC-Sierra
MobileAccess, acquired for >$150M by Corning
Cyoptics, acquired for $400M by Avago
Mr Bryce completed his MBA in 2005 at The Wharton School in Philadelphia. He spent several years in corporate roles with Estee Lauder in NY and L'Oréal in Paris before returning to Australia to work in venture capital for his family’s investment office.
Since 2011 Mr Bryce has worked in Israel and Europe as a Venture Partner for global VCs/corporates. Mr Bryce handles startup-scouting, business-unit collaborations, venture investment processes and post-deal representation/communications for his clients.
Ongoing clients include:
* Inven Capital (CEZ Group)
* Stahl Coatings
Past clients include:
* Henkel Tech Ventures
* EASTMAN Chemical Co.
* TF1
* Bouygues Construction
* Orsted
* Supernova Invest (Fr VC)
* Winton Capital
Curriculum Vitae
Current Professional Activities
2011 - Present: Venture Partner (Israel & Europe) for VCs and Corporate Venture Capital / Innovation Departments of global corporates.
Investments for ABB:
Hailo (ongoing)
Grove Ventures (LP Investment)
Investments for Henkel:
Feelit (ongoing +collaboration)
IOTech (ongoing +collaboration)
Copprint (ongoing +collaboration)
Investments for Inven Capital:
Driivz (acquired by Vontier)
CyberX (acquired by Microsoft)
Taranis (Series C Lead, ongoing)
WINT (Series C Lead, ongoing)
Investment for JX Metal
Addionics (ongoing +collaboration)
Investments for TF1:
Investments for Winton Capital:
Prior Career
2008-2010: Venture Capital, Family Office (Australia)
2005-2007: Operations & Marketing Roles, Estee Lauder (NY) and L'Oréal (Paris)
2003-2005 Wharton MBA
2000-2003: VC Analyst, Eurofund (Isr)
1996-1999: Corporate Lawyer, Arnold Bloch Leibler (Melb), Clayton Utz (Syd)
MBA, Master of Business Administration, The Wharton School, 2005
MA, Master of Arts (International Studies), Lauder Institute, University of Pennsylvania, 2005
LLM, Master of Laws, University of Melbourne, 1999
LLB, Bachelor of Laws, Monash University, 1995
B.Com., Bachelor of Commerce, Monash University, 1995